
FC5 Hornet Breathalysers


Economical FC5 Hornet breathalyzers from Lifeloc Technologies is a new generation of alcohol breathalyzers for use in zero tolerance environments such as Oil & Gas Refineries, Construction, Maritime, Mining and General Industry. Testing for the presence of alcohol has never been easier. No mouthpieces or special attachments are required when using these breathalyzers and icons are used to eliminate misinterpretation due to language barriers, the FC5 Hornet passive breathalyzer is simple to learn, operate and read.

Breathalyzers that are easy to use
Designed to replace older technology alcohol tester wands, the FC5 Hornet breathalyzers are easy to use with new features never before available in passive only screening testers. The FC5 is alcohol specific and uses the same 1 inch diameter platinum fuel cell used in Lifeloc law enforcement breathalyzers. Because our fuel cell is 50% larger than those used in the traditional alcohol wands you benefit from larger breath sample size, rapid response and reset times, and long working life.

FC 5 Hornet breathalyzers are robust and discreet
Unlike the older alcohol wands, the FC5 Hornet comes standard with three operating test modes and an automatic day/night backlit display. For safety, the operator can see the test results without revealing the display to the subject. These breathalysers come with a protective safety-yellow silicone jacket to guard against bumps and falls plus a crushproof carry case.

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Drug Courts, Corrections, Parole, Probation, Military, Maritime, Schools, School Resource Officers, Halfway Houses, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment Facilities, General Industry, Construction, Oil & Gas Refineries, Agriculture, Transportation, Chemical and Mining


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